Well-being, the basis of the trends in office furniture and design in 2021
After a year marked by the pandemic, companies are faced with the problem of reviving a sense of belonging among their professionals after months of uncertainty and working from home without being able to go to the office.
Given this situation, professional well-being is more important than ever. Occupational well-being is about striking a balance between all the factors that make professionals happy, which also includes the design and functionality of their offices. So today companies focus on creating welcoming, safe, ergonomic workspaces which further the professional development of those that use them.
In this blog, we want to explain the new trends that 2021 brings us to encourage people to stay in the office.
What will offices be like in the time of Corona?
1. Finding a balance between privacy and open space
This concept, not a new trend but one that will continue to grow this year, is all about creating more open environments and other more private spaces, in line with the needs of each company.
Open-plan workplaces provide an opportunity to work together. This foments relationships with other colleagues and even other departments, with which new synergies can be created, points of view within the company shared, communication encouraged and future conflicts between departments avoided. It involves features like collaborative tables which keep the necessary safety distance between professionals.

En cuanto a las zonas de trabajo privadas son espacios que permiten evitar los ruidos de fondo, una mayor concentración y que los profesionales no interfieran en el trabajo de sus compañeros. Espacios que también se utilizan para videoconferencias o llamadas. Uno de los elementos estrella para 2021 son las cabinas.
At the same time, private work areas provide spaces where users can avoid background noise, concentrate better and work without interference from their colleagues. Spaces that can be used for videoconferencing and phone calls. One of the stars of 2021 will be pods.

The office of today needs to be flexible, capable of transforming its spaces. Separator and methacrylate screens help protect users from COVID; acoustic panels and room dividers allow companies to convert their open spaces into private ones.

2. Eco-style: greater contact with nature
Awareness of the environment is no longer a fad, but a philosophy which affects every aspect of our existence, and one which will gain greater force in 2021 and beyond.
Biophilia is all about the connection between humans and the natural environment around them, and the role it plays in their psychological development. Companies are now applying the concept by connecting workspaces with nature as a way of investing in the well-being of their professionals by integrating natural and sustainable elements in their offices.

The main novelty this 2021 will be green spaces, small interior gardens where employees can rest, and ergonomic furniture and workspaces to encourage creativity and productivity, among other benefits.
Light-coloured wood is also in fashion, and we will see how it becomes more present in offices to make them more pleasant places, providing comfort and a welcoming, home-like atmosphere.

3. A hybrid between the office aesthetic and home interior design
The aim is to create a warm, comfortable atmosphere with a home-like decor and look to create comfortable, relaxing, friendly environments to make professionals feel at home.

2021 brings with it the need for spaces for leisure, rest and more informal meetings between colleagues.
More neutral colours, bringing in finer woods and materials, having things like couches, relaxation areas or more informal spaces which invite users to rest and hold creative or brainstorming-style meetings, where anyone can stop by for a coffee or a bite to eat without feeling like they are doing so in such a cold environment as the uninviting break area typically found in offices.