Workspaces, present and future, are sustainable

Companies committed to the well-being of society and our planet are committed to sustainable offices.

The demand for greener workspaces responds to the increase in environmental awareness over recent years, especially in the wake of the pandemic. According to the latest survey carried out by the European Investment Bank (EIB), 82% of Spaniards pinpoint climate change as the greatest challenge facing society in the 21st century. 

Such widespread concern and society’s demand for strict measures in the face of this problem has led companies to reinvent their spaces; making them much more efficient and healthy. And that is how this new trend of healthy offices which focus on caring both for the environment and for people came into being.

Dynamobel’s furniture solutions

This transformation of work environments has turned out to be a success, both internally and externally. It generates a positive impact on society, improving business image, and also enhances employees’ sense of belonging to the company and their well-being at work, resulting in increased productivity. 


One of the main features of this type of eco-friendly office is the use of environmentally friendly material resources in furniture. Furniture produced or manufactured sustainably can then be reused or recycled. 

Dynamobel, as a company specialising in furniture for workspaces, is committed to green, efficient and cyclable solutions of this kind. An example of this are the different certifications that we have earned, the most notable of which include: Cradle2Cradle certification, LEVEL certification and ISO 14006 certification. 

C2C Certified™

This is a quality standard which evaluates products according to circular economy criteria, such as their material health, their cyclability and the use of renewable energies. Dynamobel’s Cradle2Cradle certified products are the Hexagonal Cell desk and the Slat chair

Hexagonal Cell desk and Slat chair of Dynamobel
Slat chair of Dynamobel

LEVEL certification

In 2019 we became the first Spanish manufacturer to obtain European LEVEL® certification, which covers all relevant aspects of sustainability. This certification meets European requirements in terms of Green Public Procurement (a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact) and Circular Economy.

ISO 14006 certification

At Dynamobel we are in the process of certifying our products with ISO 14006, which ensures that our furniture contributes to environmental improvement throughout its life cycle.

Dynamobel’s furniture solutions

And we will continue to work along the path of sustainability to make the office furniture of today and tomorrow 100% sustainable.